But you are … His own special people … who once were not a people but are now the people of God ... (1 Peter 2:9-10)
There are so many pictures in the bible of our relationship to God. We are ‘called out’ from the world to be an assembly, which is the church, the body of Christ, and His bride, we are in the Kingdom of God, the place where God reigns. Each picture builds on the next to give an understanding of the depth of the relationship that God wants with us; this is no two dimensional relationship, but something that is deep and passionate, full of feeling and based on total commitment. In the scripture quoted above we see the picture that we are His people; that we belong to Him and are those that are committed to Him; we are those that He can rely upon, because we are “HIS” people.
Is this true for you? Are you someone that is totally dedicated to Him and someone that He can rely on all the time? Is God your first thought when you wake up in the morning? Do you commit every decision to Him and do you seek to know what He desires throughout your life? Are you someone that prays to Him about everything:, about those that are dear to you, those that you care for, and those that are your enemies! (Matt 5:44) Are you someone that regularly spends time reading the ‘love letters’ (the bible) that He left you? Are you someone whose first allegiance is God? Does He mean more than anything else to you, because you are one of His people?
Can God say with confidence today about you that, “he/she is one of MY People?”