"... damit er selbst gerecht sei und zugleich den rechtfertige, der aus dem Glauben an Jesus ist." (Röm 3:26b)
Das Wort "Glaube" wird in christlichen Kreisen immer wieder benutzt. Aber was it Glaube? Es ist Glaube an eine Person, die Person des Herrn Jesus Christus. Es ist kein Glaube an die Lehre einer bestimmten Denomination oder Gemeinde, es ist nicht einmal der Glaube an die Wunderbare Lehre der "Rechtfertigung durch Glauben", sondern es ist unser Glaube an ihn. Wir glauben ihm!
Glaube an eine Person, statt an eine Reihe Regeln, ist ein spannendes Abenteuer. Jesus ist niemals festgefahren in seinen Handlungen. Er ist immer spontan. Von einem Tag zum anderen wissen wir selten was er tun wird, aber wir wissen dennoch, dass er immer liebevoll sein wird.
Paulus sagt, dass " alle, die durch den Geist Gottes geleitet werden, Söhne Gottes sind." (Röm 8:14). Als Jesus zu Nikodemus über die Auswirkungen der Wiedergeburt sprach, sagte er: "Der Wind weht, wo er will, und du hörst sein Sausen; aber du weißt nicht, woher er kommt und wohin er geht. So ist jeder, der aus dem Geist geboren ist" (Joh 3:8)
Für den Außenstehenden scheint unser Leben keinen Sinn zu ergeben, aber Gott leitet jedes Leben durch den Heiligen Geist, so dass ein wunderbares Ganzes daraus entsteht.
Es gibt Menschen, deren Leben einfach chaotisch sind und das ist nicht mit diesen Versen gemeint, "Denn Gott ist nicht ein Gott der Unordnung, sondern des Friedens."(1. Kor 14:33a)
Die Leben derer aber, die aus dem Geist geboren sind, sind ein mit Behutsamkeit choreographierter Teil des wundervollen Planes Gottes!
Lebst du in der Erwartung, dass Gott heute etwas Neues tun wird?
01 May 2010
May 2010 - English
… that [God] might be just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus. (Rom 3:26b)
Faith is a word that is used repeatedly in Christian circles. But what is this faith.? It is faith or belief in a person; the very person of the Lord Jesus Christ. It is not faith in the doctrines of a particular denomination or church, it is not even faith in the wonderful doctrine of ‘justification by faith’, but it is our faith in Him; we believe Him!
Having faith in a person, rather than a set of rules is an exciting adventure. Jesus is never rigid in the way He acts; He is always spontaneous. On a daily basis, we seldom know what He will do, but we know it will always be loving.
Paul tells us that ... as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God (Rom 8:14). And Jesus, when talking about the effects of New Birth says to Nicodemus that the wind blows where it wishes, and you hear the sound of it, but cannot tell where it comes from and where it goes. So is everyone who is born of the Spirit. (John 3:8)
To the outsider there will appear to be no rhyme or reason to our lives, but God, through the Holy Spirit, will orchestrate each life into a perfect whole.
Now, there are some, whose lives are simply chaotic; this is not what these verses mean for we are told that God is not the author of confusion but of peace ... (1 Cor 14:33a)
But to those born of the Spirit, their lives are a carefully choreographed part of God’s wonderful purposes!
Do you live with an expectation of God doing something new today?
Faith is a word that is used repeatedly in Christian circles. But what is this faith.? It is faith or belief in a person; the very person of the Lord Jesus Christ. It is not faith in the doctrines of a particular denomination or church, it is not even faith in the wonderful doctrine of ‘justification by faith’, but it is our faith in Him; we believe Him!
Having faith in a person, rather than a set of rules is an exciting adventure. Jesus is never rigid in the way He acts; He is always spontaneous. On a daily basis, we seldom know what He will do, but we know it will always be loving.
Paul tells us that ... as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God (Rom 8:14). And Jesus, when talking about the effects of New Birth says to Nicodemus that the wind blows where it wishes, and you hear the sound of it, but cannot tell where it comes from and where it goes. So is everyone who is born of the Spirit. (John 3:8)
To the outsider there will appear to be no rhyme or reason to our lives, but God, through the Holy Spirit, will orchestrate each life into a perfect whole.
Now, there are some, whose lives are simply chaotic; this is not what these verses mean for we are told that God is not the author of confusion but of peace ... (1 Cor 14:33a)
But to those born of the Spirit, their lives are a carefully choreographed part of God’s wonderful purposes!
Do you live with an expectation of God doing something new today?
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