Luk 2:25 … es war ein Mensch namens Simeon in Jerusalem; und dieser Mensch war gerecht und gottesfürchtig und wartete auf den Trost Israels … 38 Auch [Hanna] … redete von ihm zu allen, die auf die Erlösung warteten in Jerusalem.
In diesen zwei kurzen Auszügen der Weihnachtsgeschichte wird beschrieben, dass Hanna und Simeon beide auf das Kommen Jesu warteten. Keiner von beiden wusste, wie sich das Leben Jesu entfalten würde, oder dass die einst so erfolgreiche Nation, jetzt aber zerbrochen und unterdrückt, ihn letztendlich ablehnen würde. Wegen ihres Alters ist es unwahrscheinlich, dass einer der beiden 33 Jahre später noch am Leben war, um die Ereignisse die dann stattfinden würden zu bezeugen. Beide erwarteten jemand, weil Gott es versprochen hatte und Gott hält seine Versprechen immer.
Auch heute warten viele darauf, dass der Herr wiederkommt, so wie er es versprochen hat. Dieses Mal jedoch nicht als ein Diener, um einen schändlichen Kreuzestod zu sterben, sondern als ein triumphierender König, um die Welt zu richten, um dieses Zeitalter zu beenden und sein ewiges Reich der Heiligkeit und Gerechtigkeit einzuleiten. Bist du unter denen, die auf die Offenbarung des Herrn Jesus Christus warten (1 Kor 1:7)?
Zwischen dem ersten Kommen des Herrn und seiner zweiten Wiederkunft steht die wunderbare Verkündigung seiner rettenden Macht. … siehe, jetzt ist der Tag des Heils! (2 Kor 6:2b) Dieser Tag des Heils dauert nun schon fast 2000 Jahre, aber was ist das im Vergleich zur Ewigkeit? Jetzt ist die Zeit seine Rettung für unser Leben in Anspruch zu nehmen, erstmalig und immer wieder, so dass wir uns mit Zuversicht auf seine triumphierende Wiederkunft freuen können und am wunderbaren Hochzeitsmahl des Lammes teilhaben können.
01 December 2009
December 2009 - English
Luke 2:25 ... there was a man in Jerusalem whose name was Simeon, and this man was just and devout, waiting for the Consolation of Israel … 38 And [Anna] … spoke of Him to all those who looked for redemption in Jerusalem.
In these two short extracts from the Christmas story, both Anna and Simeon are described as waiting for the coming of Jesus. Neither probably knew how His life would turn out, nor that the nation, once so successful and now broken and subdued, would ultimately reject Him. It is unlikely, because of their age, that either lived to see the events that unfolded 33 years later. But both were expecting someone, because God had promised this, and God is always faithful to His promises.
And the scene has not changed today; many are waiting for the Lord to come again as He promised. Not this time as a servant who would die so ignominiously on a cross, but as a triumphal King to judge the world, to bring this era to and end and to usher in His eternal Kingdom of holiness and righteousness.. Are you amongst those that ... eagerly waiting for the revelation of our Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Cor 1:7)
But between the time of the Lord’s first coming and His second coming there is the wonderful proclamation of His saving power. … now is the day of salvation.(2 Cor 6:2b) So far, this time has lasted nearly 2,000 years, but what is that compared to eternity? Now is the time to claim His salvation, both initially and continually in our lives, so that we can look forward to His triumphal return with confidence and share in the wonderful marriage feast of the Lamb.
In these two short extracts from the Christmas story, both Anna and Simeon are described as waiting for the coming of Jesus. Neither probably knew how His life would turn out, nor that the nation, once so successful and now broken and subdued, would ultimately reject Him. It is unlikely, because of their age, that either lived to see the events that unfolded 33 years later. But both were expecting someone, because God had promised this, and God is always faithful to His promises.
And the scene has not changed today; many are waiting for the Lord to come again as He promised. Not this time as a servant who would die so ignominiously on a cross, but as a triumphal King to judge the world, to bring this era to and end and to usher in His eternal Kingdom of holiness and righteousness.. Are you amongst those that ... eagerly waiting for the revelation of our Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Cor 1:7)
But between the time of the Lord’s first coming and His second coming there is the wonderful proclamation of His saving power. … now is the day of salvation.(2 Cor 6:2b) So far, this time has lasted nearly 2,000 years, but what is that compared to eternity? Now is the time to claim His salvation, both initially and continually in our lives, so that we can look forward to His triumphal return with confidence and share in the wonderful marriage feast of the Lamb.
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