Viele alte Glaubensbekenntnisse beginnen mit der einfachen Aussage "Ich glaube an Gott den Vater, den Allmächtigen, den Schöpfer des Himmels und der Erde.” Dies ist eine so einfache Aussage, die wir vielleicht viele Male wiederholt haben. Darin steckt jedoch eine tiefe Wahrheit, über die es wert ist einmal nachzudenken. Alles was existiert wurde von Gott geschaffen und wir sind nur ein Teil dieser wunderbaren Schöpfung. Obwohl wir nur ein Teil der Schöpfung sind, sind wir dennoch herzlich von Gott geliebt und haben die Fähigkeit und Verantwortung den zu suchen, der uns erschaffen hat.
Wir hatten vor einiger Zeit eine Umfrage durchgeführt, worin nur die Hälfte derer die sagten sie glaubten an Gott eine Gemeinde besuchen. Was die Leute eigentlich meinen ist, "Ich glaube es könnte möglicherweise ein höheres Wesen geben, dieses ist aber in meinem Leben nicht relevant.” Gott jedoch, der das Universum und alles darin geschaffen hat, erwartet nicht von uns seine Existenz nur passiv anzuerkennen, sondern- damit sie den Herrn suchen sollten, ob sie ihn wohl umhertastend wahrnehmen und finden möchten; und doch ist er ja jedem einzelnen von uns nicht ferne. (Apg 17:27) Alle von uns haben eine Verantwortung Gott zu suchen, egal ob wir nur eine vage Idee über seine Existenz haben, oder schon viele Jahre treu mit ihm unterwegs sind. Er erwartet das Gleiche von uns: ihn true zu suchen, mit dem Ziel ihn und seinen Willen in unserer momentanen Situation zu finden. In welcher Situation wir uns auch immer befinden, wir können dem Versrechen Jesu vertrauen, wenn er sagt...sucht, so werdet ihr finden...Denn jeder...wer sucht, der findet...(Matt 7:7-8) Und ein abschließendes Wort von Paulus wenn er schreibt, Denn alle Verheißungen Gottes in Christus sind Ja und Amen. 2.Kor 1,20
01 April 2009
April 2009 - English
Many of the old creeds start with a simple statement ‘I believe in God the Father Almighty Maker of heaven and earth‘ It is such a simple statement, and one that we might have repeated many times. But it contains within it a depth of truth that is worthy of contemplation. Everything that exists was created by God and we are merely a part of this wonderful creation. However, while merely a part of this creation, we are dearly loved by God and have both an ability and responsibility to seek the one who created us.
We conducted a survey some time ago, and of those that said they believed in God only half attended church. So often what is meant by that phrase is ‘I believe there might possibly be some form of divine entity, but who has no relevance to me.‘ But God, who created the universe and everything in it, does not expect us to passively acknowledge His existence, but God did this so that men would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from each one of us. (Acts 17:27) All of us have a responsibility to be seeking God, whether we only have a vague idea about His existence, or have walked with Him faithfully for many years, His expectation of us is the same; to faithfully seek Him with the objective of finding Him and His will in our current situation. And whatever our situation we can be assured, as Jesus promised, that if you ... seek, ... you will find ... For everyone ... who seeks finds ... (Matt 7:7-8) And a final word of confirmation is when Paul writes: for all the promises of God in [Christ] are Yes, and in Him Amen. (2 Cor 1:20)
We conducted a survey some time ago, and of those that said they believed in God only half attended church. So often what is meant by that phrase is ‘I believe there might possibly be some form of divine entity, but who has no relevance to me.‘ But God, who created the universe and everything in it, does not expect us to passively acknowledge His existence, but God did this so that men would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from each one of us. (Acts 17:27) All of us have a responsibility to be seeking God, whether we only have a vague idea about His existence, or have walked with Him faithfully for many years, His expectation of us is the same; to faithfully seek Him with the objective of finding Him and His will in our current situation. And whatever our situation we can be assured, as Jesus promised, that if you ... seek, ... you will find ... For everyone ... who seeks finds ... (Matt 7:7-8) And a final word of confirmation is when Paul writes: for all the promises of God in [Christ] are Yes, and in Him Amen. (2 Cor 1:20)
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